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HR Policies & Conduct


A significant contributor to this achievement has been the Institutions human resources, which reflect great diversity in skills as well as variety in the type and extent of experience. In order to consolidate this achievement, it is necessary to develop a personnel policy that helps the Institutions to continue to attract professionals with diverse skills and varying levels of experience. The guidelines for a personnel policy that are outlined below aim to help attract such diverse personnel and utilize their services in ways that best suit the overall goals of the Institutions. In keeping with these objectives, the management will make every effort to ensure that a healthy balance is maintained amongst the faculty in terms of the programmatic themes and levels of experience, given the mission of the Institutions, areas of emphasis and the resources available. This Manual does not supersede the requirements of the statutory / non-statutory bodies like Education Departments, ICSE/CBSE boards or any other relevant body. It is aimed at ensuring that NKJE&CS adheres to those, while spearheading its goal of value-based quality education meeting global aspirations. This Manual is an effort to begin to develop consistent policies and procedures. Hopefully, this Manual will prove to be a useful tool to establish uniform policies and procedures for our personnel. These guidelines are the result of considerable deliberations in various forums in NKJE&CS. A sincere effort has been made to create this Manual anticipating future needs and issues in a manner easy to understand for most users. Suggestions and contributions from all the employees to make this Manual more comprehensive are welcome.

Policy Statement and Code of Conduct
    a) Policy for Physically Handicapped People : Discrimination is prohibited against any applicant or employee in hiring, promotion or other aspects of employment on the basis of that person's disability, if the person is otherwise qualified and is able to perform the "essential functions".
    b) Equal Employment Opportunity: The management gives equal opportunity to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to religion, race, creed, caste, colour, sex, disability and age. The policy applies to initial employment, promotion, compensation and termination. Employees are not denied benefits or subjected to discrimination under any programme or activity.
    c) Sexual Harassment :NKJE&CS recognizes that Sexual Harassment violates fundamental rights of gender equality, right to life and liberty, right to work with human dignity as guaranteed by the Constitution of India and amounts to misconduct under the Service Rules. To meet this objective, measures shall be taken to avoid, eliminate and if necessary, impose punishment for any act of sexual harassment, which includes unwelcome sexually determined behaviour as per the management’s policy against Sexual Harassment. In this regard it is mandatory for all the employees to sign and submit an affidavit to the Management.
    d) Other Harassment : The management prohibits harassment of one employee by another employee or supervisor on any basis including but not limited to race, colour, religion, marital status, national origin, physical or mental disability and/or age.
    e) Soliciting / Canvassing : Canvassing, placing signs and posters for solicitation purposes, chain letters, collections of any kind and sale of tickets or merchandise are prohibited on the Institution’s premises. All employees are prohibited from indulging in any personal activity utilizing the Institute’s resources and facilities. Any faculty found indulging in conducting tuition classes or coaching classes, remunerative or otherwise, would be liable for suspension with immediate effect and disciplinary action.
    f) Employment of relatives : No individual shall be employed in a department or unit, which will precipitate a subordinate-superior relationship between individual and any of his/her relative who is employed in the Institutions. For the purpose of this policy relatives are defined as spouses, parents, children, brothers, sisters, and any in-law of any of the foregoing.
    g) Attendance : Employees should report to work on time. It is expected that employees will remain on the job until the end of the workday unless otherwise permitted by the Director/Principal.
    h) Code of Conduct : All employees should observe the rules and regulations, and standards of courtesy, conduct, cooperation, ethics and etiquettes as expected by the Institutions.
    i) Safety : Safety on the job and care of property and equipment is the responsibility of all employees. Every effort should be made by the employees to avoid careless work habits.
    j) Disruptive Behaviour : While honouring the freedom of expression and the right to peaceful dissent of an individual, NKJE&CS, in the best interests of orderly operation and preservation of an environment favourable to productive study, has adopted a policy prohibiting disruptive behaviour on the part of any student, faculty or staff member. The institute stipulates that any employee, acting individually or in connivance with others, who obstructs or disrupts or attempts to obstruct or disrupt any teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary, or public service activity, or any other activity authorized to be discharged or held on the campus of the Institute is considered to have committed an act of gross indiscipline and is subject to disciplinary action, that may include termination from service.
    k) Outside employment : Institution’s employee’s simultaneous employment outside also is not permitted.
    l) Malpractices : An employee indulging in or encouraging any form of malpractice connected with examinations or other activities of the Institute is subject to disciplinary action that may include termination from service.
    m) Revelations : Without prior sanction from the Management, no employee can interact with media, issue press statement or publish any statement either in his name or anonymously, or pseudonymously or in the name of any other person about issues related to Institutional matters. Only an authorised representative of the Management / a Competent Authority, may call for press meets, brief the press or speak to the media or participate in discussions, forums etc. in the media, discuss any issues related to the activities of the Institute or future prospects or projections of the Institute.
    n) Regulatory compliance: Every employee shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations, both in letter and spirit, in all the areas in which one operates.

    i) Respect of colleagues: All the staff members are required to uphold the dignity of their colleagues and should perform their duties in coordination with and cooperation of their colleagues.
    ii) Impartial assessment of students: Assessment of students performance has a very significant impact on their careers and lives and hence due care must be taken to ensure that the assessment is valid, fair and congruent with the course objectives.
    iii) Respect of the Institution: All the employees of the Institution must respect the values, the goals and the policies laid down by NKJE&CS.
    iv) Scholastic integrity: Any controversial issues must always be examined objectively, rather than confining to or emphasizing one’s own perception and beliefs and the opinion of the students must be given due weightage in deciding their issues.
    v) Social responsibility: The employees must be aware that the ultimate purpose of education/Social service is the overall development of the civil society.
    vi) IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) There shall be no Intellectual Property Rights with the teachers for the material used to teach the courses within the Institutions.

    i). Leadership: NKJE&CS facilitates teamwork, collaboration, and partnership; rewards achievement of desired outcomes; supports continuous learning and improvement and encourages innovation and the capacity to respond to change. In doing so, the leadership encourages each employee to take active responsibility for the mission and vision of the Institute and foster the development and use of each employee's capability.
    ii). Quality of employment: NKJE&CS is committed to create a sustainable workforce of highly qualified faculty and staff, to provide a positive environment of work for all that encourages to balance work and personal commitments.
    iii). Compensation, reward and recognition: Compensation is administered fairly and equitably balancing pay, performance and organizational success.
    iv). Continuous learning and development: NKJE&CS values and supports continuous learning as continual learning is the core responsibility of each employee. To that end, it will provide structured development that integrates Institutional mission, organizational and individual needs and performance expectations.
    v). Response to change: The management is constantly preparing itself for the challenges of the future. In doing so, during periods of changing needs, the Institute creates opportunities for employees to acquire the needed skills to continue to advance the mission of the Institute. During times when reduction or change in the nature of the workforce is required, the Institute will rely on attrition, to the extent possible. In support of these principles, the Institute commits adequate resources for equitable support of employee development, compensation, reward and recognition.